September 27, 2022

Friendship (and Disappointments)

Friendship is an amazing experience,
But only if it is with the right company.
You can be your true self, they respect you
It's all 'good vibes only', and yet, crazy.

But, when you're part of this big friend group
And amongst it all, they are still divided
When they've all formed pairs of two
But you feel your friendship is one sided.

When you're always forced to sit alone,
When they would rather be with themselves
When you're just a filler, use and throw material
When they come to you just because they need help

You try to ignore it, but it still hurts sometimes
When you're lonely even with people around you
Its ok, you're amazing, don't change yourself
It'll be alright, I promise, it's true.

It's been long, I know. A lot has happened. And by a lot, the only thing that happened it that I turned 16. 😂Yes, that's pretty much it.
Don't forget to comment your thoughts and follow!
Thank you!
Peace ✌💖

July 17, 2022

Coping Up

What do you wish to do
When your heart is shattered, broke?
When your only best friend
Is now no longer close?

When you want to give up
Because you're tired and had enough?
When there's just too much to handle?
When life is sad and rough?

When your only companion is music?
When you're crying all the time?
When someone's upset because of you?
When a dear loved one has died?

When you're trying to cheer up
And feel better, but failing miserably?
When you're blamed for what you never did?
When you're surrounded by negativity?

All you can do is remember the good times,
And hope for things to get better.
Life has its ups and downs, don't give up yet.
I promise, you'll recover for sure later.

Things will get better... Hold on to that piece that gives your life meaning :) 

June 10, 2022


The feeling of trust is a delicate thread.
Once broken, to tie it again is hard.
Once tied, there still remains a knot.
Broken mirrors only leave behind shards.

Don't break your closed ones' trust ever,
Its the worst thing you can possibly do.
The guilt, regret, disappointment,
Will together make you feel blue.

Even if they trust you once again,
It won't be like the good, old times.
You'll have to wait weeks, months, years
And yet, maybe nothing will be fine.

You cannot go back to the past.
What is gone is forever lost.
Let this poem be a constant reminder,
Trust always comes back with a cost.

I decided to start a new series, 'Teenage Life and Lessons', I don't know why. Some things triggered me and I thought if such lessons could help me, maybe they will help you people as well.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Don't forget to comment and follow.

May 18, 2022

Best Friends (Part 2)

The next day, she still felt horrible and sad.
She wondered if her best friend was still that mad.

A little hope! She had been forgiven for her mistake.
Her best friend helped her recover from heartbreak.

She was so lucky! Her best friend was an angel.
Helped her feel happy, made her feel special.

Their friendship was stronger than ever before.
All was well and fine, peace had been restored.

They promised to be best friends, forever and always.
They would stay together, and never part ways.

I love happy endings :)
Link to part 1👇
Mahi's Words: Best Friends (
Don't forget to follow and comment!

May 7, 2022

Best Friends

They were best friends, they knew each other well.
But something went wrong, she could easily tell.

It was all her fault, she had been dumb.
And now, she felt so guilty, she felt numb.

She cried all night, wanted to take back her words.
But it was too late, her best friend was deeply hurt.

She was upset and sad and hated herself then.
Her first heartbreak, she was overcome with pain.

She did not want to eat, wanted to do nothing.
Her big, stupid mistake, that's all she could think.

She was so very sorry, from deep within her heart.
She wanted to do more, properly play her part.

She wanted her best friend back, that's all she wished.
But for now, the memories, that's all she could cherish.

Hey there! I wanted to take a break from studying and tried something new, something I've never done before. Well, here it is. My first blue poem😅😁

Part 2!!


March 12, 2022


You are not just my brother, 
You are my greatest buddy. 
You turned DOUBLE DIGITS today, 
And I couldn’t be more happy. 

10 since you’ve entered my life, 
10 years of you consistently annoying me. 
10 years of us fighting everyday, 
10 years of us together being silly. 

You’ve been with me through my sad times, 
You’ve tolerated my angry explosions. 
You’ve made my happy days happier. 
You’ve experienced all my emotions. 

We’ve danced crazy like there’s no tomorrow. 
We’ve sung shrieked songs at the top of our lungs. 
We’ve scared each other with tons of ‘Boo!’ 
We’ve exhausted each other with our dumb puns. 

You taught me how to play cricket
You taught me how to play games online
You taught me how to make origami
You taught me to finish work, just before the deadline.

A very Happy Birthday Rachit! 
Lots of love and blessings to you. 
I hope we always remain weird 
And keep making each other go cuckoo.

Happy Birthday Rachit! Thank you for being there for me.
I love you! 💖💖
P.S. The image is us in a couple more years when you'll be WAY taller than me😂😍

March 10, 2022

What Do You Do?

What do you usually do
When you are feeling low?
Do you read some books?
Do you watch the rain pour?

Do you play with your pet?
Do you doodle a little?
Do you listen to songs?
Do you ride your bicycle?

Do you talk to your friends?
Do you talk to your parents?
Do you maybe write poems?
Do you work on your talents?

Whatever you choose to do,
Ensure you feel better later.
Try to forget it and smile,
Clear you mind of the clutter

Hello people! I don't really know why I chose this topic, it just popped up.
Let me know what you do to make yourself feel better, down in the comments below.
Don't forget to comment and follow!

February 18, 2022

Unity In Diversity

Unity in diversity is precisely what
Indians have deep in their hearts,
With various cultures, distinct clothes,
distinguished traditions and a myriad of arts.

We might live in separate states,
We might speak different dialects!
But when our country is at stake,
we proudly take our national pledge.

We share the same beautiful climate,
we share the same vast land.
We share our joys and sorrows,
We are all equally gallant!

We sing our national anthem
With the same patriotic emotion.
We treasure our country like its children
With deep love and pure devotion.

Unity in diversity is precisely what
Indians have deep in their hearts;
With various cultures, distinct clothes,
distinguished traditions and a myriad of arts.

Umm... HI!! Yes, I know, its been 3 months since I've posted something, and for that, I'll apologize 3 times. 
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
There! I hope you forgive me :)
I wanted to post this poem on Republic Day, but again, I'm a month late. 😅😅 Still, happy belated Republic Day!! 
Don't forget to comment and follow for more!

October 12, 2021

The Truth of Life of a 10th Grader

Poem Recitation Competition

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are!!!!!

The judge:

Her classmates: 

Exams, exams near and far
Who invented you, I wonder, yaar
Up above the world so high
He must be laughing, while we cry

Exams, exams near and far
Who invented you, I wonder, yaar!!!!

The same judge:

My classmates:

Hey there! I came up with the poem when I realized all our exams were almost back to back. Hope you enjoy reading the poem as much as I enjoyed making it.

Don't forget to follow and comment!

Thank you!

September 12, 2021

My Sister- Pahal

This poem is featuring
Pahal- my beloved sister.
She has supported my mischief ever since
We could count on our fingers

She is really very smart,
and caring and loving too!
She helps me feel better
When I am feeling blue

She is very good at studies
and has been since her childhood.
Her smile is beautiful
And she's rarely in a foul mood

I love you, didi, loads
And shall do so forever.
And to tease and irritate you
I shall forget never ;)

Hyeas! I wrote this poem featuring my sister because she guessed correctly whose POV I had written about here👇🏻. 

Hope you like the poem didi!
Don't forget to follow and comment!

Hey You! Waitie just a second!

Best Friends