Corona virus has made our lives hard.
The world has shattered like a mirror.
It has taken the lives of millions and billions.
All over the world, it's created terrors.
I've heard corona's allergic to three things.
Social distancing, hand washing and masks.
These three things will surely be sure to
reduce the corona helper's awful tasks.
Stay at least 1 metres away
from all the people around.
Follow this rule and stay happy,
since you'll be safe and sound.
Wash your hands every two hours.
Keep your body always clean.
Stay away from the deadly virus.
Because that virus is very mean.
Wear a mask whenever you step outside.
So the virus doesn't stay on your face.
Any type of mask is fine.
Even the one with a lace.
Be safe, be happy, be careful.
Make sure you are there for your family.
I admit, though this virus is harmful,
Don't worry it'll be gone in a jiffy.
That is only if you follow the rules ;)